WordPress Static Page How To Make one!

WordPress Static Page – How to make one!

In this WordPress Static Page How To Make one! article we teach you how to make a static landing page for your wordpress blog and we give you some great ideas on how to use this cool tool!

wordpress static page how to make one

What is a WordPress static page anyhow?? A WordPress Static Page is also called a “Splash Page” or a landing page. Knowing How To Make A WordPress Static Page is a great way to get your core Blog message to your audience. With a  WordPress  static page everyone that goes to your home page will read your core message. This is very common with Niche sites. For example if your site is aimed at selling a video on how to jump higher, you will probably want everyone that goes there to see your main page where you try to sell the video. Also, even with a Premium (purchased) WordPress Theme you may want a WordPress Static page with lots of pictures or a sales pitch that makes it really stand out from other peoples blog. You can always list all the categories and other pages in tabs along the top and recent posts in a sidebar! And yes, if people like your blog, they WILL take the time to click around and see what else you have to say!

WordPress Static Page How To Make one!

How To make the WordPress Static Page on your blog. If you use a default “free theme” or a Professional Custom Theme you can create a static front page for your wordpress Theme with a few simple changes. This How to WordPress Theme article teaches you everything you need to know step by step to create a WordPress Static Page!

Background info before we show you how to modify WordPress Theme for a static Front Page:

1) By default WordPress shows your recent Posts on the first page of your Website or blog, page of your site.[/caption]

2) So if you change your WordPress Theme to have a static front page, you also have to change it so WordPress has a place to show all your recent blog posts and articles right?

3) WordPress often calls this a “Virtual Directory”

4) Creating a static front page for a wordpress theme does not require editing or coding of files or templates. Using the default configuration for a “static front page” in WordPress does not remove the sidebar or change the look of the entire site, just the content area. So How to create a WordPress Static Page is really pretty easy!

5) Important note on “How to Make a WordPress static page” – When you create a Splash Page for your wordpress Theme it no longer uses the “wordpress Loop” to show your most recent blogs or peoples comments on the front page of your Theme. However the static page can be customized to link to featured content, or highlight posts,or direct people to  articles, categories, or contributors.

  WordPress Static Page How To Make one! for your wordpress Theme:

Step 1) Create 2 WordPress Theme pages

using the “Add New Page” panel. Log into your admin account of your Website. Click on the “Pages” option on the right hand side of the panel. Click on “Add New”

From now on I will refer to each page as page 1 and page 2


Step 2) Page 1 -The first page Can be called what ever you want but most people call it “Home”. This is the WordPress static page (Splash Page) for your wordpress Theme.

  • You can add whatever content you want to your WordPress Static Page.
  • You can come back later and edit the page.
  • You can imbed links to other pages within the body of the text on your WordPRess Static Page(I recommend installing the ckeditor plugin to make adding, links, pictures and better text a lot easier). To other pages or articles on your blog).
  • You can add pictures to your WordPress Static Page– I recommend that you do. Remember that most people call a WordPress Static Page a “Splash Page”. You want to make a Splash! And pictures can do that! And you can add attributed to those pictures that the Search Engines will key on so make sure to do that).

Step 3) Page 2 – Title this page as “Blog” (or new or articles or whatever) this is the page that  will contain the posts etc for your site.DO NOT add text to this page. Just publish it empty and go to the next step!!

Wordpress theme changing the Setting-> reading options

Step 4) Designate which page of your blog is the “Front Page” .

Click on “settings” (you should be logged in as admin. It should be on the left side of the admin panel of your wordpress theme as pictured below. Then Click on “Reading” as shown below:

Wordpress theme changing the Setting-> reading options

  1. Under “front Page displays” Click the  “Static Page” button and then
  2. Fill in the title of the Static Page that you defined above in the “Front Page” Box.
  3. Fill in the title of the “Blog” Page that you created above (the one we said to leave empty).
  4. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.
    1. Set which page will be designated the “front”

Now go to your Website (refresh the screen to make sure that your changes show up).

If the WordPress Static Page is now the “Home Page” of your WordPress Theme (Blog) ->Cool! You did it!

If it isn’t, don’t panic! Lets figure it out.

Troubleshooting WordPress Themes First, go back thru each of the steps of how to modify a wordpress theme to create a WordPress static page. The most common problem  is not saving the “reading” setting change, or not clicking the little button in the reading setting.

So check these steps and then close your browser, re-open it and go to your Website and see if the change to your wordpress theme is there. Some WordPress Themes (free or purchased)  won’t easily create a WordPress static page. The most common problem is the Navigation Bar that many wordpress themes have and that contains links to the pages of your blog. Some themes have a “Home” page already defined. This can cause issues with the “home page” you just created. You need to get rid of that “other” home page!

 OK thats it for this WordPress Static Page How To Make one! article!

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